This is slowly ruining your chances of finding and connecting with your conscious masculine leadership qualities.

What if I told you that the reason behind your failed attempts to cultivate your leadership potential and consciousness is that you use sexual energy just as a way of satisfying your urges? You might think I’m crazy, but let me explain why my statement is actually true

You see, your sexual energy is the most powerful motivating force in the universe. This kind of energy is what drives you to achieve your goal. It instantly provides you with the discipline, persistence, and willpower you need to fulfill your desires. But you simply waste it all by having casual sex with a girl you met at a bar or watching pornographic movies.

When instead you could use every last drop of it to change your entire life and overcome the obstacles you are facing. Whether that’s improving your health, quitting your job and starting your own business, building a deep relationship with a person you truly love, or even reconnecting your consciousness with God.

Just think of how different your life could be if you knew how to channel your sexual energy and use it to your advantage. It would turn you into an unstoppable masculine leader, ready to conquer the whole world!

Now, you might believe it's easy for me to talk with such confidence about mastering your sexual energy and becoming the best possible version of yourself, and you would be right!

But my success wasn’t gifted to me. I had to fight for years by putting in as much effort as humanly possible to become the man I am today. I earned it. Because life will never get easier, you just get stronger.

Don’t compare my final chapter with your first one!

I’ve always had ambitious goals regarding my personal life, from becoming a successful entrepreneur to building a strong, unbreakable bond with my wife. But to be honest, my substance use disorder and procrastination were constantly making me come up with a bunch of dumb excuses to avoid putting in the work. I wouldn’t even get out of bed without hitting the snooze button 4 times.

This had a very serious impact on my goals, at levels that I didn’t even realize. I began to underperform in my business and take up to a couple of hours to finish one simple task. On top of that, I failed to give my wife the attention she deserved, and after a while, it got to a point where I started losing my attraction for her, and instead I was watching porn to satisfy my sexual urges or day dreaming of other women. This made me lose myself and the spiritual connection I had with God.

The day I almost lost everything…

I was both guilty and aware of the damage I caused to myself, my business and my marriage and knew I had to do something about it. So I started watching every video there is about how to become more productive, quit procrastination and become a true leader. This habit, however, not only didn’t help me solve my problems but it made them worse, as instead of working I was watching videos all day. So naturally, disaster struck! My sales started to run dry and I was left with no other choice but to get a corporate job that I absolutely despised.

The only thing that eased my pain was the amount of support from my wife who constantly made sure I knew she believed in me. I was crushed. Not as much from my new job as from the fact I wasn’t able to provide myself and my wife with the life we wanted. That was the day that I made a promise to eliminate all my excuses and to build a lucrative business that will allow me to quit my corporate job in 1 year.

Fortunately, while reading the book “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon hill, I came across the art of sexual transmutation, the process of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a far more valuable purpose. Learning how to master this process was a hard and long journey, but it allowed me to become the best possible version of myself. I used this energy to start pursuing my goals, and 11 months later become the successful entrepreneur I always wanted, have the woman I love and desire by my side, and achieve deeper levels of spiritual consciousness.

I went on to run a political campaign giving me worldwide recognition as the “semen retention candidate” and have inspired millions of men to discover the power of sex transmutation. 

This is the key to becoming the masculine leader you always wanted.

This 6-week program was carefully created to turn even the most beginner into a sexual alchemist, able to completely control his sexual energy. Here, you will discover how to use some secret ancient techniques to take advantage of the sexual energy burning inside of you and fuel your desire to excel in every aspect of your life.

Honestly, I could go on for hours on how this program can impact your everyday life but since it has helped thousands of people like you become a master of their sexual energy and thrive on a personal level, I will let some of my students do the talking.

"Before taking 'How to Become A Sexual Alchemist' by Nakula, like many other men, I couldn't control my sexuality, and it had the best of me, but I knew there had to be another way.

The course has been a success for me in many ways, as now I am armed with numerous techniques and able to ground and transmute my sexual energy effectively. As a byproduct my productivity and general clarity have skyrocketed, I'd definitely recommend the course, it's totally worth it."

- Vasilis Theodoroglou

Here’s how Jeremy doubled his testosterone, changed his body, and greatly improved his financial situation by following only one of the techniques in the program.

You might ask, “What does this “Become a sexual Alchemist” program include?”

So let me show you the incredible value you will get by joining this program:

  • 2 Month Access to the step-by-step training videos aimed to teach you exactly how to raise, cool, and balance your sexual energy at will and how to use it in your everyday life properly.
  • 3 1:1 Coaching Calls with a dedicated Success Coach to answer questions, hold you accountable and helping you design your path to success.
  • Ongoing live support to answer your questions and connect with other men like you inside the Conscious Masculine Leadership Slackgroup. for 2 months
  • A daily practice schedule and guides that will help you keep on track.
  • Masterclass on Conscious Sexuality
  • Masterclass on Law of Attraction & Sexual Energy

+ LIVE Weekly Training’s via Zoom (recordings made available)

Along with everything I just mentioned, you will also get classes on:

  • A natural way of enlarging your penis
  • How to use a massage technique to have harder and longer erections
  • And my special routine to improve your sexual performance and increase your lower body flexibility.

Brand New Student Requirement: Because of the amount of men we have grown to serve, we only work with men who are serious about getting the results and are dedicated to their own growth. As a new step it is now required to book a free consultation call and fill out a short application to make sure you are a good fit for the program.

If you are ready to move forward, please book your call now and let's connect.

On the call will discuss how the program works, student requirements and payment options.

We look forward to serving you.

Course Curriculum

  Set Yourself Up for Sexual Alchemy Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 | Clearing Your Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 | Expanding Your Capacity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 | Grounding Your Sexual Energy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 | Moving Your Sexual Energy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5 | Cultivate TONS of Sexual Energy & Masculine Power
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6 | Sexual Energy Transmutation + Manifestation & Attraction Power
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions and Common Hesitations

I’m currently single, is this course suitable for me?

This course is absolutely suitable for those who are single. You will learn to use masturbation as a way to nourish yourself without being drained, and to cure sexual frustration. You will also gain the magnetism that cultivating sexual energy creates to help attract a partner and be much more confident in yourself.

I’m very busy, I’m worried that I don’t have time for the course.

Don’t worry. I’ve designed this course to work with the modern man’s busy lifestyle, and each week your daily practices will be about 30 minutes per day. Each week’s module is about 1.5 to 2 hours. You prioritize things that are important to you. If becoming a sexual alchemist is important to you and you are ready to transform, you will find the time to commit to your personal growth.

Will this program help me increase my penis length?

Yes, one of the bonuses included is a guide for natural penis enlargement. These exercises have been shown to increase penis size, if practiced regularly.

When does the course start?

The moment you register, you will get access to week 1 and each week will be opened up for you every 7 days.

What do I get in the course?

Each week you will have access to a new module, which will contain 45-90 minutes of video training. You will also receive access to to me for support. You will ALSO receive the bonus videos at the end of the course.

You talk about “energy” and “sexual energy” a lot. I have no experience in yoga, qigong, or energetic practices. Will this course be too advanced for me?

This course is suitable for both absolute beginners with no previous training, as well as experienced practitioners who want to explore sexual energy in depth. I explain everything in detail, from the very basic foundations to the highly advanced techniques. By following this course you will be able to advance very quickly.

I’m very busy, what if I don’t have time to go through the course right now?

No problem, you can go through the course on your own time frame as you will have LIFETIME access to this material.

Are there payment plans available?

There is a 2-month *interest free* payment plan available. I've never offered interest free plans before and am doing so to ensure this course is accessible to everyone in this strange time.

I’m gay, is this course suitable for me?

Absolutely! The practices in this course are applicable to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. Several gay men have learned these practices and applied them to their lives and relationships with great success.

Do you give refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this course, and the low price offered, no refunds will be offered for this course. I believe in my work and I am VERY confident in the effectiveness of this course. If you follow the practices and do the work, you WILL see the results. NO ONE has ever been disappointed by joining this course.

Can you guarantee results?

The effort you put into your training will produce your results. If you do the work, commit yourself 100% and follow the course step-by-step, you WILL experience great transformations in all areas of your life. This is your own unique process, and as such your success is your own responsibility and I've ensured you have everything you could possibly need to make this work.

Will this course help me make semen retention a lifestyle?

Absolutely. A lot of guys go into semen retention by repressing their sex drive, and have no knowledge of how to circulate and transmute the sexual energy. This causes the sexual energy to congest and leads to stagnant energy, manifesting in anger, irritability, insomnia, and a feeling of being “stuck”. And the blue balls…You will learn all of the necessary methods to release negative emotions and excess energy, and create a safe pathway to circulate the powerful sexual energy that is building up. You will learn how to use self-pleasure as a tool to cultivate orgasmic states without the depletion that constant ejaculation causes. By taking this course, you will learn extremely powerful practices that will help you to transform all aspects of your life and supercharge yourself with sexual energy.

I really want to take this course, but I don’t want to spend the money

If you think the course costs too much, I highly recommend evaluating what becoming the greatest and most empowered version of yourself is worth to you. this course contains very powerful transformational and potentially life-changing work, and addresses many issues that most men have struggled with for centuries. Your investment is an energetic commitment to transforming yourself.

More Success Stories

Dina Caitannya

Lars MacDonald

Kyle Stone

Anis Chitty

Chandra Das

John O'Bryan

Nanda Das

Matt Racz
California, USA

Nakula has been a true game changer in my journey towards sexual self-mastery.

His knowledge and expertise in the field is unparalleled, he has not only provided me with the tools and guidance needed to take control of my sexuality but also introduced me to the power of breathwork modalities in harnessing sexual energy.

With his guidance, I have been able to learn how to use my breath to enhance my sexual experiences and elevate my pleasure to new heights. I am now able to experience pleasure and intimacy in ways I never thought possible.

I highly recommend Nakula’s Training to anyone looking to improve their sexual well-being, take their sexual experiences to the next level, and become a powerhouse man.

Manuel Lüthi

Nakula's program helped me re-evaluate my goals.

The practices from the program were exactly what I was searching for. The personal coaching sessions were especially helpful and taught me how to fully accept myself.

 I gained more clarity about who I am and now I'm ready to focus on reaching my goals.

Abimael Rebles

The excessive workload turned me into a stressed man, causing my energy to run out.

I entered training with Nakula because I needed techniques that would give me focus and increase my energy levels.

During my first 45 days with Nakula training I have been able to gain incredible energy levels, greater focus on my goals, and have been able to experience multi-orgasm without ejaculation, which is great for me.

Rongxin Zhu 

Nakula possesses such an inspiring personality that I consistently feel uplifted after our online interactions. Previously, I struggled with disorganization throughout my day, hindering my ability to achieve study goals. Nakula offers profound insights, emphasizing the importance of action without attachment to outcomes. He encourages me to visualize my goals and navigate uncertainty with mindfulness, remaining open to opportunities that align with my objectives. Additionally, he recommends morning meditation and daily planning to enhance productivity and inner peace. Following his guidance, I extended the duration of my meditation sessions and adopted Google Calendar for daily scheduling. After several weeks, I have noticed a significant improvement in my efficiency. I am deeply grateful for Nakula’s mentorship and eagerly anticipate our future discussions.